Making money as a stay-at-home-mom
Even though I substitute teach, most of my time is devoted to being a stay-at-home mom. I found out early on that others have misconceptions about the role of a SAHM and...
Even though I substitute teach, most of my time is devoted to being a stay-at-home mom. I found out early on that others have misconceptions about the role of a SAHM and...
Trying to afford staying home with my baby full-time often feels like Michael Scott asking the accounting department to just crunch the numbers again. Find a salary somewhere in there! But despite...
Teachers and subs know the pain of an unfilled minute in the classroom. Your carefully crafted delicate classroom ecosystem that was once manageable can suddenly tip into a chaotic descent. For substitutes...
As substitutes, we never know what the day holds, but with a few strategic, handy phrases, we can set up an environment for success. Managing student and classroom behavior is an unavoidable...
It's an odd feeling when you turn over your classroom keys for the last time. Or at least, for the last time in the foreseeable future. In an elementary teacher's case, the...
It wasn't the usual formula: I didn't wait until having kid #2 to make my exit from teaching. (I didn't even wait until my first child made her appearance!) But I knew...